Agricultural Grass Seeds

Buy Your Forage & Agricultural Grass Seed Today

Our agricultural grass seed mixtures for sale below, are based on decades of knowledge and expertise. Idealseed is 100% independent, so we are able to demand and source, only the best varieties of farm seed mixtures for our customers.

We are a supplier of wholesale/retail Farm seeds and offer the best quality and prices to the farming sector in bulk or small quantities. We offer a broad range of agricultural grass seed mixtures to farmers for silage, grazing and cutting.

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    IDEAL SUPERMO Medium-Term

    £49.00 (1 pack is 14.00 kg)
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    IDEAL MULTIMO Medium-Term

    £54.00 (1 pack is 14kg)
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    IDEAL HIGHLAND “Upland pasture”

    £62.00 (1 pack is 14kg)
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    IDS 100% Herbal Strip

    £22.00 (1 pack is 1kg)
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    IDS Long-Term Economy Herbal Ley

    £82.00 (1 pack is 14kg)
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    IDS SUPREME Herbal Ley (Long-Term)

    £86.00 (1 pack is 14.00kg)
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    IDS SUPREME Long-Term Hay & Haylage

    £64.00 (1 pack is 14kg)
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    IDS SUPREME Overseeding

    £48.00 (1 pack is 13kg)
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  • Improve Yeild & Quality with I-DS superior mixtures

    Good grass and efficient utilisation is a science and as with all sciences knowledge is the key to success and especially knowledge that has a practical application. While many agricultural grass seed suppliers like to keep their knowledge tight to their chest, our aim is to share our wealth of knowledge and expertise, by providing you with seed mixtures formulated by specialist seedsmen.

    With unrivalled expertise gained over three decades in every sector of the seed industry, you are sure to benefit from improved yield and forage quality. This ensures you peace of mind, knowing you are well equipped to maximise your farm production.

    Agricultural Mixture Selector

    FORAGE Mixture selector

    I-DS “a cut above the rest in”

    What makes Idealseed forage grass seed mixtures extra special is the FACT that all of our varieties are sourced by science-based research and highly recommended first choice varities by “NIAB” National Institute of Agricultural Botany (England & Wales) and “SRUC” Scotland’s Rural College.

    Grass and clover breeding programmes are constantly improving the overall yields and quality of varieties available to the farmer. Each year new varieties that have shown an improvement within UK National Trials come on to the market. A variety can enter the UK National List if it performs particularly well in one region of the UK. However, these varieties may, or may not, perform as well under the extreme weather conditions encountered in Scotland or the difference in climatic conditions in England & Wales where regional disease risks vary considerably.
    Ground Cover & Winterhardiness are essential characteristics for I-DS

    Maintaining a good ground cover indicates the ability of a variety to survive and contribute to total yield. The trial ratings are based on measurement of both persistency (change in ground cover from establishment year onwards) and overall sward density.

    Winterhardiness is an important characteristic in hill and upland areas, where winter damage is most common among the ryegrasses; other species may also be affected but to a lesser degree. There is a marked variation in varietal susceptibility and care should be taken in selection of varieties for areas where winter damage is prevalent.

    Disease severity is very dependent on overall climate in different areas of the country, some diseases are more prevalent in the generally wetter and warmer west and south west, while others are more common in the drier east. In some areas, multiple diseases can be high risk.
    Examples being (most susceptible areas):

    Rynchosporium = Southwest England/Wales

    Drechslera = Northwest England/Wales

    Ryegrass mosaic virus = East England

    Crown rust = Southeast England
    I-DS grasses must meet our selection criteria: Exceptional Palatability & Outstanding Yield

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