IDS Long-Term Economy Herbal Ley

IDS Long-Term Economy Herbal Ley

£82.00 (1 pack is 14kg)

The ‘economy’ Herbal ley is a flexible alternative at a lower price for your customers to consider. It’s an extremely diverse mixture in species terms. We have found it has performed exceptionally well across a range of soil types and locations in the past 5 years or so.

Please Scroll down for full descroption on the COST EFFECTIVE GRASS & HERB mixture

Product Price
SKU: IDS4003-1-1 Categories: ,



Weight Species
3.0 Late Tet Perennial Ryegrass
2.5 Late Dip Perennial Ryegrass
1.0 Festulolium
2.15 Common Sainfoin
1.0 Timothy
0.75 Meadow Fescue
1.0 Rozetta (Red Clover)
0.25 White Clover Blend
0.50 Crimson Clover
0.50 Forage Burnet
0.50 Agric. Per. Chicory
0.40 Ribwort Plantain
0.10 Sheeps Parsley
0.35 Persian Clover

14.00 Kgs / Acre Pack

IDEALSEED HERBS & HERBAL LEY’S – what to consider in selecting a mixture

There has been increasing interest in the use of herbal leys (also known as multi-species swards) for livestock farmers over the last few years. Summer/Autumn drought conditions appear to be more common and managing perennial ryegrass leys has become more challenging in our changing climate. Perhaps it is time to review what types of grass seed mixes best suit our climate and the additional benefits herbal leys can bring to livestock and production efficiency.

Additional information

Weight 14 kg


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