Idealseed provide seed mixture “fit for purpose” we specialise in seed and seed only. Our Wildflower range comprises of 100% Native British provenance seed, we also specialise in bespoke mixture to any specification you may require.

Wildflowers are a very important part of the countryside; over the past 50 years we have lost 97% of our wildflower habitat & meadows. They are vital in providing a rich, colourful, and diverse ecological habitat for many insects and wildlife. They also offer great aesthetic value to enhance the natural beauty of the British countryside, motorway networks, parkland, and gardens.

Play your part with IDEALSEED Ltd
We can all help increase the British Insects, Bee & Butterfly population. And For pollination to take place, we need ideal flowers to attract those all-important bees, so they can ensure the plants become fertilised and reproduce. Idealseed mixtures contain a high proportion of the recommended plants on the Royal Horticultural
Society’s list of plants which are ‘Perfect Pollinators’.

Like all professional leading seed suppliers in the UK, Idealseed grass species are regulated and certified to high standard, whereas currently Wildflower seed is Uncertified and unregulated. Working closely with Science and Advice for Scottish Agriculture (SASA) Idealseed shall annually submit Wildflower samples for germination testing which include dormancy breaking treatments, including pre-chilling, alternating temperatures, and scarification for hard seeded species.

The germination test period is species specific, At the end of the germination period test are carried out on non-germinated and not obviously dead but dormant seed with tetrazolium. The independent laboratory result will give the maximum potential germination of a seed lot and will not necessarily reflect the level of germination that will be achieved in the seed bed conditions. Field germination will depend on environmental conditions at the time of sowing, and it is likely that seeds will germinate over two or more seasons in its natural environment.

The seeds in your mixture will have originated from a wildflower production field, harvested by qualified growers. This seed will have been multiplied in single species plots from seed sourced in the wild. From seeding to harvesting it can take two growing seasons before a seed crop is produced. Once harvested, the seed is cleaned to remove the inert matter and provide high purity seed.

CALL or EMAIL now!!
Billy Nimmo
M.D – Idealseed
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