HORSE & PONY PADDOCK Long-Term Duration
15% Early Perennial ryegrass, Diploid, 15% Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass Diploid, 20% Late Perennial Ryegrass, Diploid, 15% Late Perennial Ryegrass, Tetraploid, 20% Strong Creeping Red Fescue, 15% Intermediate Timothy

VERY FEW feed or seed companies now provide the expertise required to correctly formulate equine grass mixtures. More often than not a mixture best suited to silage for cattle is supplied. While what horse “folk” are looking for is a sward that is tidy, hardwearing and relatively easy to manage. What the horse is looking for is a short, dense sward that is palatable and will provide grazing for as many months of the years as possible.

Horse Paddock Care – Laminitis
Laminitis is one of the most common causes of lameness and disability of your best friend, Laminitis is a disease that affects the feet of hooved animals. It is characterized by inflammation of the digital laminae of the hoof. Severe cases with outwardly visibly clinical signs are known by the term founder.

Greed or over feeding Theory states: if a horse is given excess grass it may be unable to digest all, causing fermentation in the hind gut and killing beneficial bacteria. This can result in body- wide inflammation, particularly in the laminae of the feet, where swelling tissues have no place to expand without causing injury to other structures.